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Private: Faerun – Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme
73 Articles Version 1.0

The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) plugin by AMP Project Contributors is an essential tool for enhancing the mobile browsing experience of your WordPress site. This guide will help you quickly set up the AMP plugin, specifically focusing on the optimal configuration for our theme, particularly emphasizing the importance of selecting the Reader template mode.

Installation and Activation
  1. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard: Log into your WordPress site’s admin area.
  2. Install the Plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New and search for “AMP” by AMP Project Contributors. Click Install Now to install the plugin.
  3. Activate the Plugin: Once installed, click the Activate button to enable the AMP plugin on your site.
Configuring the Plugin

After activation, configuring the plugin to work with our theme is straightforward:

  1. Access AMP Settings: Navigate to AMP > Settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select Template Mode: The AMP plugin offers three template modes: Standard, Transitional, and Reader. For our theme, it is crucial to select the Reader mode and AMP legacy theme. This mode ensures the best compatibility and performance for mobile users by providing a separate AMP endpoint.
    • Reader Mode: This mode creates an AMP version of your content that is separate from the non-AMP version. It is highly recommended for ensuring that your site’s mobile version loads quickly and efficiently, providing an optimal user experience.
Reader Mode & Legacy Theme
Testing and Validation

After configuring the plugin:

  1. Test Your AMP Pages: Visit any post or page on your site and add /amp/ to the end of the URL to see the AMP version.
  2. Validate AMP Pages: Use the AMP Validator ( to ensure there are no errors in your AMP pages. Simply enter the URL of your AMP page to check for validation.

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