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Elisen – Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme
Elisen – Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme
73 Articles Version 1.5
Theme Options

Single Post

Single post settings are crucial as they affect the core aspect of your website – the posts. Let’s explore them in detail:

  • Style: Choose the layout style for a single post. Currently, the theme features 7 styles, each of which can be set globally as well as selected locally for any individual post. Keep in mind that all styles, in one way or another, include all the necessary metadata, so you can choose any of them without fear of losing any functionality.
Meta Settings
  • Display Views Counter: Toggle to show the number of views.
  • Display Like Button: Toggle to show a like button and likes counter.
  • Display Reading Time: Toggle to show estimated reading time.
  • Display Comments Counter: Toggle to show the number of comments.
  • Display Bookmark Button: Toggle to show a bookmark button.
Recent Posts
  • Recent Posts: Toggle to enable a section for recent posts.
  • Recent By: Choose whether to display recent posts by categories or tags.
  • Number of Posts: Set the number of recent items to be displayed.
Post Footer
  • Single Post Navigation: Toggle to enable navigation to next and previous posts.
  • Single Post Bio: Toggle to show the bio of the post’s author.
  • Bio Style: Select the display style for the bio.
  • Single Post Comments: Toggle to enable comments on a single post.
  • Share Toggle: Toggle to enable a share button.
  • Share Shortcode: Input the shortcode for the share options (e.g., [addtoany]).
  • Banner: Toggle to enable a banner on a single post.
  • Banner Alignment: Choose the alignment of the banner.
  • Banner Background: Option to upload a background image for the banner.
  • Banner Text: Input text for the banner.
  • Banner Button Text: Input text for the banner button.
  • Banner Button Link: Input the URL for the banner button link.

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