Overall, the settings in the color scheme section are self-explanatory. They are responsible for most of the primary colors used in the theme’s design. You can change them for both the light scheme and the dark scheme, depending on the value indicated in parentheses before the setting (Default or Dark).
- Primary Color – choose the primary color.
- Secondary Color – choose the secondary color.
- White Color – choose the white color.
- Border Color – choose the border color.
- White Border Color – choose the white border color.
- (Default) Background Color – choose the background color.
- (Default) Background Color Secondary – choose the secondary background color.
- (Default) Text Color – choose the text color.
- (Default) Heading Color – choose the heading color.
- (Default) Dark Color – choose the dark color.
- (Default) Inverted Color – choose the inverted color.
- (Dark) Background Color – choose the background color.
- (Dark) Background Color Secondary – choose the secondary dark background color.
- (Dark) Text Color – choose the text color.
- (Dark) Heading Color – choose the heading color.
- (Dark) Dark Color – choose the dark color.
- (Dark) Inverted Color – choose the inverted color.