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Private: Faerun – Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme
73 Articles Version 1.0
Site Settings

Posts/Front Page

Home Docs Faerun Site Settings Posts/Front Page

Setting up your Posts and Front Page correctly is crucial for a well-organized and appealing website. Our theme allows you to easily designate your Front Page (the main landing page of your site) and the Posts Page (where your blog posts will be displayed). Here’s how you can configure these pages through the WordPress settings:

Setting Up Your Front Page and Posts Page
  1. Create Pages: Before setting up, ensure you have created the pages you intend to use. For instance, create a page titled ‘Home’ for your Front Page and another page like ‘Blog’ for your Posts Page.
  2. Access Reading Settings: In your WordPress dashboard, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Reading’. This area allows you to configure how your content is displayed on your website.
  3. Set Your Front Page: Under the ‘Your homepage displays’ option, select ‘A static page’. Then, in the dropdown menu for ‘Homepage’, select the page you created for your Front Page (e.g., ‘Home’).
  4. Set Your Posts Page: In the same section, use the dropdown menu for ‘Posts page’ to select the page you created for your blog posts (e.g., ‘Blog’).
  5. Save Changes: After making your selections, don’t forget to click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen to apply your settings.

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