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Andale – Creative HTML5 Portfolio Template
Andale – Creative HTML5 Portfolio Template
44 Articles Version 1.0

There are 5 types of blogs in the template, as well as 2 options for displaying layouts and single posts

The wrapper for the grid blog is as follows:

<div class="blog-layout-wrapper content-sticky">
                    <div class="posts-grid isotope-grid posts-grid-3-columns posts-grid-simple">

You can change the type of blog by changing the class to the type you need, and you can also change the types of filters, for this you need to change the class on the block with filter buttons:

<div class="buttons-group buttons-group-creative">
                    <div class="buttons-group-inner">
                        <button class="active-button" data-filter="*">All</button>
                        <button data-filter=".inspiration">Inspiration</button>
                        <button data-filter=".music">Music</button>
                        <button data-filter=".photography">Photography</button>
                        <button data-filter=".health">Health</button>
                        <button data-filter=".design">Design</button>

Here is a list of posts grid classes :

  • posts-grid-simple
  • posts-grid-default
  • posts-grid-creative
  • posts-grid-digital
  • posts-grid-modern

Here is a list of filter button classes:

  • buttons-group-default
  • buttons-group-modern
  • buttons-group-creative
  • buttons-group-digital

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