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Lazyline – Innovative Lazy-Load & LQIP WordPress Plugin
Lazyline – Innovative Lazy-Load & LQIP WordPress Plugin
12 Articles Version 1.4
Getting Started

Server Requirements

Home Docs Lazyline Getting Started Server Requirements

To use Lazyline Plugin, you must be running WordPress 4.9+ or higher, PHP 7.4 or higher version, PHP 8 is recommended and MySQL 7 or higher version. Our plugin has been tested on all major browsers. Below is a checklist of items your host needs to comply with to ensure proper operation:

WordPress recommends using PHP 7.4. Our plugin works correctly with PHP 7.4+.

However, it is recommended to have PHP 7.4 or even better, PHP 8 running on your server.

Your server must have the php-dom and php-xml extensions installed. Also, for full functionality, we recommend installing the following extensions: Imagick OR GD

You can also use the recently added “Server Info” feature. You can find it directly in your Lazyline Dashboard

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