Efficient comment management is crucial for fostering community interaction on your blog. Our theme includes enhanced features for standard WordPress comments, such as a voting system, allowing users to upvote or downvote comments. This feature promotes valuable contributions and lets readers express agreement or disagreement with others’ comments.
Checking and Moderating Comments
- Go to the Comments Section: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Comments on the left-hand menu. Here, you’ll see a list of all comments on your posts, including pending, approved, and spam comments.
- Moderate Individual Comments: Use options under each comment to approve, reply, edit, mark as spam, or delete as needed. This is where you can also see the results of upvotes and downvotes for each comment.
Enabling/Disabling Comments for Individual Posts
- In the Discussion section (usually located in the right sidebar or under the post settings), check or uncheck Allow Comments. Unchecking this option will disable comments for that post.
In addition, the theme supports Facebook, wpDiscuz, and Disqus comments for users who prefer third-party commenting systems. For more information on setting up these options, please refer to the Integrations section.